Meet Angela

Angela wouldn’t have to hide her true self from the world anymore.

Sheila is a CARE House volunteer. She works as a Child Assist, helping put children at CARE House for the first time at ease.

Last month, she met an 11-year old girl named Angela. They talked and played games for a while, and Sheila was impressed by Angela’s sweetness and charming personality.

Angela left for her forensic interview, and when that was finished, she and Sheila kept playing and talking. They stayed together for several hours – longer than Sheila had ever spent at CARE House. Sheila learned that Angela came to CARE House because of problems at school – in fact, she was on the verge of expulsion. A school counselor recognized the symptoms of child abuse and made a report based on her suspicions.

In her interview, Angela confirmed that her step-dad had sexually abused her for years. She said that her mom knew about the abuse, but did nothing to stop it.

She wouldn’t be able to go home with her mom, so Angela and Sheila waited together for Angela’s aunt to make the drive down from northern Michigan. Sheila could tell that Angela felt relieved, and was able to relax for the first time in ages. Sheila knew that Angela wouldn’t have to hide her true self from the world anymore.


Meet Annie